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  • How can I support the project?
    The way designed to give stability and viability to the project is to create a community of one hundred people (the so-called pioneers) who, thanks to their annual contributions, allow the project to have enough funds to produce the selected shows under the right conditions. Being a pioneer implies supporting the project even before the exhibitions and images are selected, hence the name chosen for this community appeals to the intrepid character of the first explorers that Whitman also celebrated in another poem.
  • Why ONE hundred people?
    The project is inspired by other existing initiatives (in particular, The Two Hundred, promoted by Rafael Doctor) to ensure the project's financial model. The idea behind is to distribute the economic weight of the project between the organization, which provides space and work, and the community of people that supports it, in this way, to obtain the necessary resources to produce the four annual exhibitions. Keeping the project totally independent from public or corporate support. When establishing the number of people and their contribution has been taken into account the estimated cost of producing each of the annual exhibitions, in relation to the space available. It has been seek to find an equilibrium point between an affordable contribution to those interested in becoming pioneers and a manageble size of the community. The number of people and the amount of their contribution arises from combining these three factors (estimated costs per show, affordable endowments and management capacities). It could have been another numer but this is the one has been chosen.
  • What do I get in return?
    Being a pioneer implies supporting an initiative that allows new values of photography to show their work in an exhibition format. It also means taking a stand for the driving principles of the project that promotes curiosity for others, arises the interest in knowing those who are different from us and desires to share what resonates within our own lifes. It also allows privileged access to the inaugurations and activities that are promoted within the exhibition program. And, at the end of each year, each member will receive a copy of each of the special editions that are released that year (4 photographies in total). Each pioneer will keep his number while still belonging to this community.
  • Can I become a pioneer if the quota of one hundred people is already complete?
    No, you cannot. If someone were to leave, you could take their place. If you were interested in supporting the project and there were no vacant positions, check out Other ways to support the project.
  • How much shall I pay to become a pioneer?
    The annual payment during the first three years is 400 Euros per year (2019, 2020 and 2021) and 200 Euros the last year (2022).
  • How is payment made?
    The first payment (400 Euros) is made at the time of becoming a pioneer and is renewed annually between December and January of the following year. Please, do fill the Registration Form and follow the instructions. As soon as you send us a copy of your transference, you would become a full member of the project.
  • Who receives the money?
    The contributions are made to Pausa and Verso Cultural Association, which is the legal personality behind the project. You might be entitled to tax deductions for your support. We shall confirm this in a few weeks.
  • What is the money for?
    All the money generated by the pioneers is allocated to the production of the exhibitions. The distribution of these expenses will vary according to the project but will cover the production costs of the sample, which will include the copying and framing of the images that are showcased, a maximum of 10% of the total production cost as payment of rights for the guest artists, the expenses derived from the trip and diets of the guest artists, the dissemination materials and expenses associated with the inauguration. The printing and distribution of special editions will also be assumed with this sum. This contribution does not generate any remuneration or benefit to the organizers of the project that will be financed exclusively from its own resources and from the sale of the works on display, under the usual conditions of a traditional gallery.
  • Is it possible to pay in different terms?
    In order to give stability to the project, it is requested that the contribution be made in a single payment, at the time of joining or at the time of the annual renewal.
  • How do I receive Special Editions?
    To reduce costs, facilitate shipping and minimize the impact of distribution, a single distribution will be made with all the Special Editions of the year at the end of the year in question (during the month of December). Those who come to visit the exhibition may withdraw their printed copies directly from the gallery up to that date. The rest, if any left, would be sent to the address indicated.
  • Can I unsubscribe at any time?
    It is possible to unsubscribe exclusively from one exercise to the next. Once the annual amount has been paid, it will not be possible to reverse the contribution.
  • Can I support the project in another way?
    In addition to being a pioneer, the project can be supported in different ways, ranging from visiting the exhibits, offering feedback or voluntary collaboration, to helping to promote and disseminate this initiative. You can also buy some of the special editions available for sale outside the community (an additional 50 units), which will cost 150 Euros each (taxes included).
  • What will be the photographers of the following years?
    To bring more flexibility and freshness to the program, the selection of works that can be enjoyed is done throughout the previous year. Together with the special editions of the current year, and before renewing the annual support, the members of the community will receive the basic information of the program foreseen for the following exercise that includes both the names and the projects that can be enjoyed within the new year.
  • Can I keep my number for the rest of the Special Editions?
    Each Special Edition number is assigned according to the order of confirmation of their participation in the project or, if desired and available, the number that they voluntarily requested. This number will remain associated with the person during the time he or she keeps inside the community.
  • Will there be more editions than initially planned?
    The project is made up of the same number of samples as the poetry section from which it takes inspiration (13), to which is added a prologue that opens the space and allows the project to be known as a whole. Salut au monde! It will end when the fourteen exhibitions initially planned expire. Both the organization and the gallery space may launch other initiatives or projects if they will consider it. Likewise, if for reasons of force majeure it were necessary not to complete the program as a whole, the organization reserves the right to conclude the project before this deadline but never before presenting, in the best conditions, the exhibitions that have been announced and that have counted with the support of the community of pioneers.
  • Do people have to pay to visit the exhibitions?
    All exhibitions are completely free and can be enjoyed by anyone visiting Porto, during the opening times of the space that host the project.

Salut au monde!
Espaço SP620
Rua de Santos Pousada 620
Porto 4000-480 (Portugal)
Support us



Wednesday - Saturday : 4 - 7 pm

​Or by appointment here.


* During exhibition periods

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