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Nov 6th - Dec 19th, 2020



Born in Belgium in 1989, Lionel Jusseret is a documentary photographer and member who works mainly in long, humanistic projects. While finishing his studies in INSAS in 2012, a Belgian film and drama school, he started photographing autistic children at the French association J’interviendrais. In search of unpredictable images, Jusseret works in the intimacy of his subject, trying to capture their enigma -the mystery- that lies behind them: "This mystery, this enigma, I tried to capture by the silent form of photography. I know the territory: the light, the seasons and the field of the north, center and south of France. I search something unpredictable: a gesture, an attitude, a look from them. I took the time. It was the children who imposed it on me. Just like the relationship. The quest for balance in the relationship is illusory But sometimes, as if by magic, a counter-gift that I could surpass. as a demonstration of their power as little gods."


During almost ten years, Jusseret worked and photographed children with autism. Many had a severe form of autism, mostly non-verbal. Other children were said to be psychotic, schizophrenic, with behavioral disorder, or even abused. He faced all sorts of mentally ill people but, as he has acknowledged, the more he saw them, the more he thought they looked just like children. As he recognizes, "since the movie Rain Man, the general public often equates autism with Asperger syndrome. The media take this image by a spectacular aspect: famous eccentric scientists, incredible mathematicians or musicians. Albert Einstein, Glenn Gould and Bill Gates are autistic Aspergers. But for those who are invisible, the media represent them as « mental deficient». Prisionners of their silence, they are hard to meet and educate".



Visits commented with the artist
6 and 7 November 2020 // 18h.

Commented visit to the Kinderszenen exhibition with the participation of the project's author, photographer Lionel Jusseret.

The summer behind the window, by Clara Alloing (Soundscape)
November 5, 6 and 7 2020 // 14:30; 15:30, 16:30 and 17:30 h.

“The summer behind the window” is Clara Alloing's first collaboration with Lionel Jusseret. In parallel to the images that make up his sample, Jusseret recorded the sounds around the children who play them. Those audios, noises and conversations, became a soundscape in the hands of her friend and fellow student.

After studying cinema at INSAS (Brussels), like Jusseret himself, Clara Alloing turned to radio creation. She has produced two documentaries in audio: “The first sound” and “We are too young, we cannot wait any longer”, an intimate story with several voices that attests the love of life, Prémio Découvertes Pierre Schaeffer 2016. Duration: 21'27 ”


The exhibition and associated events will take place following all the safety and social distance rules prescribed by the DGS.

Exhibition integrated in the Porto Image Month 2020, with the support from the Porto City Council.

The more he saw them, the more he thought they looked just like children

Lionel Jusseret (Belgium, 1989) is a documentary photographer. While finishing his studies in INSAS in 2012, a belgian cinema school, he became to photograph autistic children at the french association J’interviendrais. In search of unpredictable images, Jusseret works in the intimacy of his subject. The approach is anthropological. After seven years in immersion, he closed his first serie Kinderszenen. Recently, he works in a retirement home to get closer to seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and create the new serie Home. Lionel Jusseret lives and works in Bruxelles. In spite of his youth, he has been award several prizes such as the Mentor Price 2019, Nominee; .TIFF by Fotomuseum Antwerp 2018; Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo 2018, Nominee; The 6×6 Global Talent Program by World Press Photo 2018, Nominee; Henry Goethals Grant from L’Estacade Foundation 2018; Vocatio Grant 2017; Jury’s first prize at Les Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert Festival 2017. Prix Levallois 2020.

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Wednesday - Saturday : 4 - 7 pm

​Or by appointment here.


* During exhibition periods

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